For the Holidays, internationally renowned tenor Andrea Bocelli has teamed up with his 24-year-old son Matteo Bocelli and his 10-year-old daughter Virginia Bocelli for their very first album together, A Family Christmas.
A Family Christmas was produced by composer and multi-Grammy and Academy Award nominee Stephan Moccio (Celine Dion, The Weeknd, Miley Cyrus, Barbra Streisand), who has also contributed new arrangements and co-wrote "The Greatest Gift" with Amy Wadge, Jonas Myrin, and Andrea Bocelli.
"The Greatest Gift" was written and arranged especially for the album, celebrating peace and love at everyone’s favorite time of year. As a heartfelt gift to anyone who wishes to enjoy the sound of Christmas in the Bocelli home, the video follows a delightful tale set in the heart of a castle that is fit for any prince or princess. Andrea, Matteo, and Virginia Bocelli masterfully sing in three-part harmony, building towards the rousing, final chorus that swells with a string orchestra, choir accompaniment and a handful of joyously dancing, glistening angels.
A Family Christmas captures the Bocelli festive spirit in full flow, with new renditions of traditional carols arranged for all three voices, including "Away In A Manger" and "Joy To The World," plus popular Christmas tunes from around the world like "Feliz Navidad" and "Il Giorno Piu Speciale," another brand new track written by Federica Abbate, Cheope, Katoo, and Andrea Bocelli. The trio of complementary voices intertwine and echo on the song "Do You Hear What I Hear?," which provides a stirring opening to the album. Each of the three Bocelli performers gets a chance to shine on A Family Christmas with solo tracks, duets, and trios. For 10-year-old Virginia Bocelli, this is her first appearance on an album.
A Family Christmas follows the success of Andrea Bocelli’s iconic solo album My Christmas.