Bob Dylan’s Shadow Kingdom originally aired as an exclusive streaming event in July 2021 and is now available on Vinyl, CD, and streaming platforms for the first time.
Shadow Kingdom presents Bob Dylan performing revelatory 21st century versions of songs from his storied back catalog, including fan favorites like “Forever Young” and “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue,” plus deep catalog gems “Queen Jane Approximately” and “The Wicked Messenger.” The album's setlist includes 13 original songs handpicked by Dylan for his Shadow Kingdom performance plus the closing instrumental, "Sierra's Theme."
For Shadow Kingdom Dylan revisited and rearranged more than a dozen of his classics from a soundstage done up as a smokey barroom from a vintage noir film and shot in gorgeous black-and-white. Accompanied by a group of masked musicians, Dylan is in excellent form as he once again shakes up his back catalog and presents old favorites anew. The full-length Shadow Kingdom feature film will be available for download and rental on Tuesday, June 6.