Little Nut Tree is a return to the age-desegregated mixed bag that has earned Zanes his place at the forefront of the family music genre.
Recorded at Zanes' new studio at Festival Five Records in Brooklyn, the album features the multi-talented singer/violinist/whistler Andrew Bird on 'I Don't Need Sunny Skies;' funk/soul singer Sharon Jones brought her powerful voice to a duet with Zanes on the Etta James/Sugar Pie DeSanto R&B classic 'Down in the Basement;' West African group the Sierra Leone Refugee All Stars jam on the album's title track 'Little Nut Tree;' and Zanes' long time friend Joan Osborne added her Kentucky voice to 'Everybody's Going to be Happy'.
Zanes also traveled to downtown L.A. for a special recording with the soulful youth orchestra of the nonprofit organization The Harmony Project. The CD is packaged in a 16 page board book with extra durable pages for little hands.