25 years in the making, the Dwarves Are Born Again is an instant classic. Includes bonus DVD and also available on vinyl.
That's right folks, the Dwarves' magnum opus is back on vinyl and CD, both including a free DVD. 25 years in the making the Dwarves Are Born Again features heroes from throughout the Dwarves saga. Blag the Ripper, HeWhoCanNotBeNamed, Rex Everything, the Fresh Prince of Darkness and a cast of thousands including Vadge Moore and Sgt. Saltpeter from the notorious Blood, Guts and Pussy record return to crush the ears of a desperate public.
You get hardcore punk, ear-banging pop and everything in between from the long standing masters of all styles. Damaged rock celebrity cameos mix with twisted phone messages and ear splitting noise all delivered with the pomp and circumstance that only the mighty Dwarves can deliver.