Recorded with Butch Walker, Matt Nathanson’s new album, Boston Accent has been years in the making and finally sees the light of day, and Matt would like to let you in on the process of how it came to be.
“I left Massachusetts when I was 18 and would've moved to the moon if I could have. I drove out to California and never looked back. Built a support system, a family, a career. I left a place where I didn’t feel understood and went about creating one where I did. It’s about how the hint of a Boston accent can make me drop my guard and feel connected to a complete stranger. It’s about growing up listening to folk singers like James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Indigo Girls & Tracy Chapman.”
Matt continues, “The record was done with my friend Butch Walker right before, then right in the throes of, lockdown. I went home from his studio one weekend & didn’t go back again for a year & 1/2. Twilight zone-city. I’ve never made a real ‘singer/songwriter’ record like this... a nod to my favorites: Paul Simon, Cat Stevens, Indigo Girls, Joni, Carole King… I wanted it to be a VIBE... something you could put on and listen to top to bottom, with big focus on the lyrics.”