Scarlet Rebel's sound is as broad as their ambition. The five-piece fuse the rocket-powered energy of classic hard rock bands such as Guns N' Roses and Aerosmith with the vital modern edge of alt-rock giants like the Foo Fighters throughout their latest album, See Through Blue.
The current state of affairs inspired the title track of the Scarlet Rebel's stellar new album, See Through Blue. Over a steadily intensifying musical backdrop that evokes such musical icons as Bruce Springsteen and latter-day Johnny Cash, Wayne crucifies a ruling elite guilty of “gaslighting a whole goddamn nation to push your contracts through.”
All the rage and fear and uncertainty of recent times has been poured into the album’s 11 tracks, resulting in the rarest of rock’n’roll albums: one with a sense of purpose. But where the title song and anthemic first single "Storm" – which questions whether people are prepared for the aftershocks of both the pandemic and the government’s high-level malfeasance – are both fueled by a righteous sense of injustice, other bolder, emotions also shine through.