After its surprise digital drop in June, Sigur Rós’ transformative journey into intimacy and emotion, ÁTTA, sees a physical release.
In a world of constant noise and distractions, few bands possess the uncanny ability to pierce through it and deliver a raw, unadulterated truth straight from the soul. One of those bands is Sigur Rós, whose essence seems to resonate as a pure elemental force.
ÁTTA stands as a testament to Sigur Rós' evolution - a decade in the making yet more vital and emotionally unswerving than ever before. The band's very nucleus has undergone a metamorphosis, as multi-instrumentalist Kjartan Sveinsson, absent since 2012, reclaims his place alongside frontman Jónsi and bassist Georg Holm. Together, they've summoned an irresistible compulsion that courses through the album, igniting a newfound drive within themselves.
The beginnings of the10-track album traces back to 2019, a year that saw the reunion of Jónsi and Georg Hólm with Kjartan Sveinsson. In Sveinsson's words, the initial spark was a simple yet profound notion: "When we started to write the album, we just thought, wouldn’t it be nice to do something beautiful." A sentiment that stands in stark contrast to the edgy fervor that characterized their previous studio work, 2013's Kveikur.
The recording of ÁTTA was a journey, first given life at Sundlaugin studio in Iceland, then through the legendary Abbey Road in the UK, and finally across various studios in the US.
An orchestral undertone becomes the album's heartbeat, intertwining seamlessly with the elements that have firmly entrenched Sigur Rós as one of contemporary music's most audacious endeavors. Central to the symphonic sound of ÁTTA is the London Contemporary Orchestra, conducted by Robert Ames. Their presence is augmented by the brass arrangements performed by Iceland’s enduring Brassgat í bala. The album's sound takes final shape through the co-production and mixing by Paul Corley, a trusted collaborator who has walked this path with the band before.
ÁTTA is more than an album, it's an invitation to embark on a profound odyssey through the innermost crevices of emotion. Sigur Rós continues to carve their name into the annals of musical history, not merely through their existing achievements, but by steering toward an expansive horizon of possibilities.
In a world where constant transformation by artists is not the norm, ÁTTA stands as a testament to the artistic exploration of Sigur Rós. With this latest release, they beckon us to cast aside the mundane and immerse ourselves in a world where beauty, emotion, and sonic innovation intertwine in exquisite harmony.