Back after a year dominated by pneumonia and a serious leukemia relapse, lead singer and songwriter Mike Peters is once again ready to lead the Alarm as they present their new music to the world.
In between hospitalization periods, the Alarm's Mike Peters took the band into the recording studio with producer George Williams, and although barely able to speak due to the debilitating effects of chronic illness, Peters was able to focus the sessions on creating the music for ten new life affirming Alarm songs. “I literally took my guitar into hospital with me,” says Peters. “I was on the ward for such a long time, I started writing the songs for Forwards in between IV sessions and the first people to hear the music were, literally, the very people who were trying to keep me alive.”
Forwards is alive with melody and invention and destined to contend for a top place amongst the Alarm’s extensive discography, one that boasts over 17 Top 50 UK singles and over six million album sales worldwide. In fact, the previous three Alarm albums have all featured in the Top 10 of the British Rock Album Chart with Equals at No. 2, Sigma at No. 1, and Omega at No. 8.
“I’ve been to places only deep suffering can take the human spirit and, in the darkness, I clung onto every piece of light I could find to work my way back to life. This was the energy that drove me to write and record Forwards,” explains Peters. Just listen to the song “Next,” which contains the forthright and healing lyrics “Whatever’s trying to kill me, makes me feel alive.” “A lot of artists have to kill to make a record like Forwards and with the challenges that came my way in 2022," continued Peters, "I certainly had to kill or be killed, to realize the ambition in these songs. It was literally life or death making this record.”
Forwards is available physically on both CD and vinyl with the LP release featuring two different record sleeves and color vinyl configurations. A classic green with white star white vinyl edition, Mike’s healing color combo, is being made available to outlets everywhere. And a unique metallic cover with green star green vinyl limited edition version is available exclusively to independent record stores around the world.
“I’ve already taken so much from life, that when I was in hospital, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be spared another opportunity to live. Fortunately for me, I was granted more time on earth and the challenge remains as ever, to make the most of every single second – FORWARDS,” concludes Peters.